Sunday, April 17, 2016

Brie's Pollinator Garden: Which Are the Right Plants?

                        Welcome back to my blog! Last time, I talked about how I was going to find the right plants for my garden and which types I specifically needed for the garden. Today, I want to talk about some of the plants I chose for my garden and why.

                        It was a very tedious process when picking the plants because they had to either be good for wet, dry, or wet/dry soil and native to where the garden is being planted. One of the plants in my garden is the purple coneflower. I chose this plant because it's a dry plant, which means the plant is good in areas with dry soil, which part of my garden is dry soil. This was also one of my plants of choice because it is native to the location of my garden. I considered most of these things while considering plants to put in my garden.

                        I hope you enjoyed this blog, and make sure to stay tuned for my next post!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Brie's Pollinator Garden: Adding Flowers and How to Find Them

                                     Welcome back everyone! Hope you've enjoyed these last blog posts! Today I'm going to talk about the types of flowers I'll be putting in my garden and how I found the right ones. Let's get started!

                                   If you didn't read my last blog post (which you should totally check out) I mentioned that I am putting my garden in a swale. Since this type of area is on different levels, the type of soil is slightly different. When I was researching types of plants, I looked for three types, plants adapted to wet soil, plants adapted to dry soil, and plants that can adapt to both wet and dry soils. I decided to sort of divide my garden up into three sections for the the three types of soil. I divided my garden up even more so I know how many plants I wanted.

                                  I was able to get all my plants donated by two plant nurseries: Pinelands Nursery and New Moon Nursery. I got a total of 200 plants from both nurseries (not 200 plants from each nursery).

                                   Hope you enjoyed this blog post! See you next time!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Brie's Pollinator Garden: Getting The Area Prepared

                                      Welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to talk about where I am going to put my garden and the process of figuring out the perfect place to put it.

                                    I decided to put my garden in my local park so many people would be able to view it while passing by. My garden is going to be in an unusual spot...a swale! I am putting my garden in a swale in the park because it is easier for water to reach the plants in the garden and getting closer to the roots. Before I could officially say that this is where I want my garden to be, I had to make sure the soil was good for planting. I went to the swale with my mom and we started digging small holes in the swale. We would put the dirt into a bucket and combined them later. After collecting the soil, we brought the soil to a lab where they would test the soil. After about a week, we got the results back, saying that it was okay to plant there! 

                                    I hope you enjoyed this post and got to learn about this process before you can even plan anything! Make sure to stay tuned for my next post!
The soil that was tested
The swale where my garden will be